



新加坡六合彩开奖结果 currently has a Special programme, Étoile du Nord (French), which has been capped as follows:
26 students in Year 1 to Year 3 class
32 students in Year 4 to Year 6 class
58 students in total.

For applications for out of zone enrolments for 2024: contact the school office, phone: 09 483  8674 or email:
Applications for out of zone enrolments for 2025:  Enrolment application closing date, Tuesday 15th October 2024 .  A ballot will be required if the number of applications exceed the number of places available, the ballot will be held on Wednesday 23rd October2024.  Applicants will be contacted within 3 school days of the completion of the ballot with the outcome of their application.

Please complete an enrolment application (APPLY NOW button below) and submit along with the required documentation before the due date.
EDN application process
Enrolment Documentation required

Scroll down for more information about enrolments and zone area.


From the 1st July 2021 enrolment at 新加坡六合彩开奖结果 is governed by a Ministry of Education approved enrolment scheme, which includes a zone that is set out below. A full copy of the enrolment scheme can be viewed below. The Education Act sets out the purposes of an enrolment scheme to ensure that the selection of applicants for enrolment at the school is fair and to ensure that the best use is made of existing networks of State schools. Students living within the 新加坡六合彩开奖结果 zone have automatic right of entry under the scheme. Students living outside of the 新加坡六合彩开奖结果 zone will have another school that is reasonably convenient to their place of residence that they will be entitled to attend. You can find information about the location of other schools and their enrollment zones at

Out of zone students wishing to attend 新加坡六合彩开奖结果 can apply to enrol if/when the school holds a ballot.

Students whose usual place of residence is within the school zone have an automatic right of entry to the school. Parents of students who live within the zone are encouraged to make their application as early as possible to assist the school to plan appropriately.

Apply Now

Please email to confirm receipt of application.

In-Zone Enrolment procedure:

You will need to:

  • Check that you live within the list of in-zone addresses below.
  • Fill in an enrolment application form available from the school office or electronically by clicking the link below.
  • Provide proof of address (e.g. provide a utility bill in the parent’s name, an appropriate tenancy agreement, or a sale and purchase agreement).
  • Provide a copy of the student’s birth certificate or passport.
  • Complete a Vision and Hearing Testing screening approval form and a School Dental Service enrolment form.
  • Provide immunisation details.
  • Once all information has been supplied, enrolment will be confirmed by letter. If you move prior to your child starting you must notify the school and confirm your new address is within the school zone.

NB. It is important to note that an application for enrolment may be declined or an enrolment annulled if the Board believes on reasonable grounds that: 

  • false information has been given as to the student’s usual place of residence;
  • or a temporary address for the student has been given for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the school. (section 11OA Education Act 1989)
    Enrolment Form.

Apply Now

Please email to confirm receipt of application.

Ballot for Enrolment of Out of Zone Students


Enrolment at 新加坡六合彩开奖结果 is governed by an enrolment scheme. From time to time, the Board may determine that there are a limited number of spaces available for out of zone students. A ballot is required if there are more applications received than place available. This ballot would include out of zone siblings who must be balloted for entry.
Please contact with any enquiries.

Ballot procedure: 

  • Parents complete an enrolment application and submit along with the required documentation, to be received by the application closing date.
  • On the ballot date, the ballot is drawn under the supervision of either of the following:
  1. a Justice of the Peace OR
  2. a practising lawyer OR
  3. a sworn member of the Police or a local Government returning officer.
  • The names are pulled out of the ballot and a waiting list is created if there are more names in the ballot than spaces available.
  • Successful families are advised by letter and asked to confirm acceptance in writing of the place offered.
  • Unsuccessful families are advised by letter and placed on a waiting list in the number they are drawn from the ballot.
  • If successful families decline the space, the place is offered to the first/next family on the waiting list.


新加坡六合彩开奖结果 (1229)


Enrolment Scheme


Effective from (1 July 2021)

The guidelines for development and operation of enrolment schemes are issued under section 1 IG (3) of the Education Act 1989 for the purpose of describing the basis on which the Secretary’s powers in relation to enrolment schemes will be exercised.

新加坡六合彩开奖结果 Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below and/or shown on the attached map shall be entitled to enrol at the school.

Starting at the roundabout of Eskdale Road, Lauderdale Road, and Salisbury Road, travel west along Eskdale Road (odd addresses 55 and below only included and even addresses 54 and below only included; Fuchsia Place included) to Birkdale Road. Travel west from Birkdale Road (even addresses 200 and above only included and odd addresses 161 and above only included) through Birkdale Intermediate to Tiri Tiri Road

Travel north along Tiri Tiri Road (even addresses 54-60 only included) to Woodhams Street. Travel north along Woodhams Street (both sides included) to Fairclough Road. Travel north along Fairclough Road (even addresses 50 and above only included and odd addresses 69 and above only included) and through to Lancaster Road. Travel north along Lancaster Road (even addresses 44 and above only included and odd addresses 45 and above only included) to Beach Haven Road.

Travel west along Beach Haven Road (odd addresses 173 and above only included and even addresses 184 and above only included; Hayman Place, Mavis Place included) to Paragon Avenue. Travel north along Paragon Avenue (both sides included; Melba Street included) to the coastline. Follow the coastline east to Lauderdale Reserve. Travel south through Lauderdale Reserve along the back boundaries on the eastern side of Lauderdale Road and back to the starting point.

All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise stated.


Out of Zone Enrolments

Each year the board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.

Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:

First Priority   The school runs the following special programme (Effective 26 July 2021):

French – Étoile du Nord

Second Priority   will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third Priority        will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth Priority     will be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
Fifth Priority         will be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member
                             of the board of the school.
Sixth Priority        will be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group must be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 1 IG(I) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.


Special Programme – Criteria for Entry


French – Étoile du Nord

  1. Assessment of enrolment applications each year will be in collaboration with FRENZ.
    This ensures assessments are fairly run and comply with the enrolment policy agreed to between the school and MOE. FRENZ
    have the experience and are the overarching organisation supporting French English bilingual education across schools in New Zealand.
  2. Applicants will be interviewed to ensure the student has sufficient competency in French literacy to successfully learn The New Zealand Curriculum. All learning in French and English is actioned through The New Zealand Curriculum.
  3. The interview will follow the same methodology for all applicants. Families will be allocated a 20 – 30 minute slot for an interview.
    Most of the interview time will be used to find out how well the child understands and can communicate in French.
  4. Families should be informed prior to the interview that their child will need to speak, and that one of the activities is for them to answer questions about a picture book that will be read to them. ( ie. like a parent would read a bedtime story)
  5. Points will be allocated and children will earn 2 points for each part of the interview that they can demonstrate competency.
    (at the appropriate developmental level). Children who do not speak during the interview can only be scored a maximum of 4 points. Children can only score 10 points if they are fluent speakers/communicators in French.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Pumped Up Plumbing YMCA North Incorporated Deb Talbot-King – Harcourts PnB Financial Services Provider Onewa Doctors Pimp My Windows Barfoot and Thompson Glenfield Property Management Kidzstuffonline

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